After-sales service guarantee:
If the product is defective or damaged, it can be returned within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.If the returned product has used, damaged, or is missing parts/accessories,the refund amount will be reduced to compensate for the loss of product value.
Safe, standard and fast logistics:
This product order comes with free shipping, delivered by DHL and FedEx.Estimated delivery time: 7-15 business days.Accurate and precise order tracking is provided (compensation of $3.00 voucher for delivery delays).
Secure shopping payment:
(skinclearmkt) is committed to protecting your payment information.We adhere to the PCI DSS standard and ensure payment security through SSL encryption the PCI DSS data protection agreement.We regularly review our systems to protect your privacy, which is of great importance to us.We will make every effort to the security of your information and will never disclose users’ personal privacy.
Online Customer Service:
You can shop with peace of mind on (skinclearmkt).If any issues arise, we will provide support services around clock.